Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Experiment 3 - Draft

Initial idea sketches:


Adopting the structure of a termite nest, the building achieves stack ventilation.

Learning Hub / Heatherwick Studio

Draft model: 

Experiment 3- Textures

Sunday, 15 May 2016

EXP 3- Article Mashup

Architects have much more relevant goals in mind than creating buildings that stretch into the heavens or topple over each other like weightless blocks, many are attempting to solve today's problems -- resource scarcity, overpopulation, decaying infrastructure, poor transportation. When nature has a problem, evolution weeds out what doesn’t work and selects the most effective adaptations. Biomimicry has been helping inventors, designers and architects innovate in genius ways for centuries , its value has become even more apparent in the past few years as we realize that Mother Nature is one of the universe's most incredible designers. architects facing a design dilemma could address problems by using biomimicry — examining nature’s solutions and applying them to human designs, devising the schools, assisted living centers, museums and residences of tomorrow. The results can be physically fantastical, but most often, it's the problem-solving behind a design that blows our minds.

1.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/world-architecture-festival-2015_us_56421094e4b0b24aee4bd18e?section=australia

2. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e2041a1e-0d32-11e6-b41f-0beb7e589515.html

3. http://inhabitat.com/how-biomimicry-can-help-designers-and-architects-find-inspiration-to-solve-problems/

Tuesday, 3 May 2016


Experiment 2- Final images

Final Images 

Other Images:

On the top of the shelter of the light rail stop is a garden of vines and flowers, not only are they ornamental to the design, they provide shading for the space as they climb and twist around the mesh grids. Not only will this improve the atmosphere  with soft casting sunlight through the leaves but also the experience of waiting for the light rail and emphasizing the beauty of nature.

As rain fall onto the roof top garden, hidden pipes carries the excess water down towards the ground to prevent flooding and also directing water to the plants under the shelter, water could also be recycled and filtered to provide drinking fountains at the station.

Both the mesh grid and the fence are designed to be made out of recycled plastic, while being durable and easily maintained, they can be recycled and reused again.
As an observation; some people likes to have a little snack or drink as they wait for public transport and because some foods are not allowed on public transport, a bin is conveniently located at the entrance so people can expose any unwanted rubbish before boarding the light rail in prevention of littering.

In plan, the light rail stop looks like a scale balance symbolizing the equal amount of attention we need to pay towards both human development and the sustainability of nature, currently man has sacrificed environment in order to proceed our development thus why the bridge is not balanced, highlighting the lack of effort towards sustainability.

Experiment 2- Concepts and Theme

Electroliquid  Aggregation

Porosity of surface/ space. 
Expressing the fluid material property of concrete through form.
Exploring the possibilities of fluid space through the use of porous forms and materials.

Fornes evolves the possibilities of space through the creation of pavilion like,  undulating, overarching structures that are never enclosed.  His forms enable unrestricted circulation, whilst having some form of a divider of space, the space is always continuous and fluid. Not only are his structures porous in plan but also in their chosen materials, mediating the inside and out, adding dynamism to the experience of the space.

Niemeyer on the other hand, drawn towards communism offered monumental structures that expresses a notion of wholeness with the fluid property of concrete. By strategically placing each joint Niemeyer achieves continuous surfaces thus an illusion of "unity" where the distinction of each element is blurred.

With the two concepts combined, I hope to explore the porosity of structure and material in my light rail stop design, eventually achieving an open plan that allows dynamism and a structure that unifies its elements.

Chosen Theme


The awareness of sustainability of UNSW students needs to be raised and addressed. With the rapid growth of urbanization and fast paced city lifestyle, man tends to forget about the natural elements in life thus ignorant of the present problems countered by our environment today. To stimulate appreciation and interest of nature amongst our students, my light rail stop design attempted to feature components that will hopefully note the importance of nature. 

Experiment 2- Lumion File Link (DropBox)

Experiment 2- 3D warehouse

Experiment 2- 36 textures

36 Textures: Chosen Textures:


